Simple Keto Meals
My keto meals are basically simple and easy to prepare.
The green vegetables you see on a black soup bowl in the gallery below are from my neighbor's frontyard, which happens to be my backyard. Everytime there are veggies for harvesting, I am always given my fresh share. I am renting in a place wherein the lot area is pretty big and my backyard has a row of houses/rooms for rent with a frontyard. Almost 3/4 of the frontyard area is a garden of organic vegetables (malunggay, alugbati, kangkong, tinangkong, okra, eggplant, squash) and fruits (pineapple, coconut, guava, santol, mango, calamansi).
For my food toppings, it is a precooked viand from our office canteen. I normally recook the viand in order to get rid of artificial food enhancers or simply ketofying it. For 2-3 minutes I soak the viand in water and then take it out and saute it in olive oil or lard oil with garlic or onion.
As a practise, keto way of cooking for me is adding only salt and pepper to every meal I cook. No MSG, Magicsarap or anything processed for that matter.
For the meals I shared in the gallery, served on a round TIMEX plate, are home cooked foods by my mama during weekends.
Keto foods are basically unprocessed foods and cooking it from scratch is best. Raw meat, seafoods rich in omega 3, green leafy vegetables, cheese, butter, chicharon, balbacua, humba, porkchop, lechon kawali, crispy pata, bacon, lechon baboy, pork sisig and so on are keto foods. A little amount of preservatives or seasoning added to the cooking of those I mentioned are considered dirty keto.
With dirty keto, a person trying to lose weight can still shed off pounds at a slower pace. But I don't care. Lol.
I am practising lazy keto. And an occasional dirty keto practitioner. Dirty keto it is because I love to eat chorizo de cebu. But I practised dirty keto only until I reached my 3rd month. Lazy keto meaning I don't do exercise. I just eat and cook keto foods. My way of exercise is just walking from the parking lot to my workplace which is a shipyard and going back (to the parking lot) with a total distance of approximately 700 meters. On a daily average I walk around 850-900 meters, burning
1638 calories at a speed of 4.4 kms/hr. I am on my 4th month of this controversial ketogenic diet. I am 20 pounds lighter at the moment, I said goodbye to rice and my medications, I don't catch my breath anymore. Knee joint aches are gone and I feel good all the time. My blood pressure is back to its sanity. Each day I woke up excited and sleepiness doesn't prevent me from getting out of bed early. I love the painless feeling of alighting from the car quickly after a 2-hour drive from Balamban to Mandaue City.
Lastly, it is highly recommended that anybody wanting to embark on this ketogenic diet, should consult the doctor and listen to his body. Because not everyone is cut out for this.
I am not sharing about the details of ketogenic diet here because a lot can be googled. This page is purely sharing about my keto journey.