Roadtrip Kaffee
My Saturday Trip! - Roadtrip Kaffee

Today, I once again dropped by the strawberry farm - Strawberry de Cantipla to get my freshly picked strawberry fruit and also ordered pancakes for takeaway. After my farm revisit, I hurriedly drove back home to Cebu City. The road wasn't sloping anymore so I speeded up... sped up whatever! and ♫Suddenly the wheels are in motion and ahhhh aaahaha I'm ready to sail any ocean.. I mean my right eyes caught something new along the road. Naturally curious and because I'm S.I.N.G.L.E. lol! I made a U-turn to check what was it. Is it food? Is it a shop? And yes it is both... my gastronomic intuition in me knew.
Just a few meters away from Strawberry de Cantipla is a newly opened cafe Roadtrip Kaffee yes as in, new because today is the soft opening and I'm the first ever proud customer! A lot of new things are emerging at Cantipla these days and this one is to prove it. I was at the cafe before the owner turned on their sound system for the soft opening salvo! Maybe you ask where is Cantipla? Well, ask wikipedia! Just jowwwking but please do so... I only use mobile data you know.
Sharing what I ordered, the very sexy boreless yummy native chicken and a free cappuccino! Yippee! Yahoo! Google apilon arun dili mag mahay.
Click photo to enlarge.